Post Race Awards Party

Post Race Awards Party

Our post race awards party will be hosted in front of the Blue Rock Restaurant at 1 Ashfield Street, Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 (less than 1/4 mile from the finish line).
All finishers can grab their free ice cream at Mo's Fudge Factor and those 21+ will receive a free beer from Floodwater Brewery at the award party area, and for under 21 and those looking for something non-alchoholic, NEW this year Floodwater Brewery will also have a Blueberry Ginger Kombucha option. If you want to save your drink ticket for later or get a wider selection of beers you can also bring your drink ticket down the street to the actual Brewery any time they are open the day of the race.
Post race party schedule of events:

9:00 am: Fruit, water and snacks available outside the Blue Rock Restaurant

10:00: Floodwater Brewery begins serving and Mo's Fudge Factor is open!

11:00am: 3K and 8K Awards begin.

8K Award Winners (M/F) Sponsored by Greenfield Savings Bank:

1st Place $250 cash, 2nd $150 cash, 3rd $100 cash

8K Age Group Divisions (M/F)

18 and under age group winners M/F receive a $25 local gift card

Age groups winners below all receive a $50 Marathon Sports gift card









McCusker Award sponsored by local businesses:

Top Franklin County runners (M/F) $50 local gift card

Greenfield Savings Bank Bonus:

$250 cash bonus for a new men's or women's course record from our Primary Sponsor Greenfield Savings Bank!

8K course records: 24:25 by Lou Serafini (2019)and 28:47 by AnnMarie Tuxbury (2022).

3K Award Winners sponsored by local businesses:

1st Place, 2nd and 3rd place all receive local prizes

3K Age Group Divisions all receive a sweet prize

0-6, 7-8. 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-19, 20-29. 30-39, 40-49. 50-59, 60-69, 70+

Happy training,

Bridge of Flowers Race Crew